Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Une étude suggère qu'un taux de cholestérol LDL plus faible est meilleur

Par Dara Lewis
Une méta-analyse récente publiée dans JAMA Cardiology suggère qu'il est à la fois sûr et efficace de réduire le LDL en dessous de 70 mg/dL. Les auteurs ont examiné une grande base de données de patients atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires présentant des niveaux de LDL en moyenne de 70 mg/dL ou moins au début des études. En moyenne, il y a eu une baisse de 20 % du risque de maladies cardiovasculaires observée pour chaque baisse de 39 mg/dL du cholestérol LDL. En d'autres termes, une baisse des LDL de 70 mg/dL à 31 mg/dL a été associée à 20 % moins d'événements de maladies cardiovasculaires tels qu'une crise cardiaque ou un accident vasculaire cérébral.

L'avantage était constant quels que soient les médicaments utilisés pour réduire le taux de cholestérol. La méta-analyse de JAMA Cardiology a examiné des études dans lesquelles les LDL ont été abaissés avec un médicament à base de statine, qui agit en réduisant la production de LDL dans le foie, ou avec un autre type de médicament, y compris l'ézétimibe (Zetia), qui interfère avec l'absorption des LDL par l'intestin, ou des inhibiteurs de PCSK9, de nouveaux médicaments injectables qui augmentent l'absorption des LDL de la circulation sanguine dans le foie. La baisse du risque de MCV était conforme aux études précédentes de patients qui ont commencé avec des niveaux de LDL autour de 130 mg/dL, et ont vu une baisse des événements de MCV d'environ 22 % pour chaque baisse de 39 mg/dL de LDL.

Dans cette étude, il n'y avait pas de risque accru d'issues indésirables (y compris les douleurs musculaires, le dysfonctionnement hépatique, la nouvelle apparition du diabète, le cancer et les accidents vasculaires cérébraux), même lorsque le LDL a été abaissé à aussi bas que 20 mg/dL. Bien que les statines elles-mêmes aient été liées à des effets secondaires, en particulier à des doses élevées, il semble que des concentrations extrêmement faibles de LDL ne soient pas responsables des effets secondaires.

En d'autres termes, l'abaissement du LDL au-delà de notre objectif précédent de 70 mg/dL semble être non seulement sûr, mais aussi bénéfique, chez les patients atteints de maladies cardiovasculaires.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Sexe après 50 ans

Pour ceux qui sont mécontents de l'impact de la ménopause ou de la périménopause sur leurs relations sexuelles, il existe des outils qui peuvent les aider.

« Quand je pense à la santé sexuelle, je pense à quatre choses : la libido, l'excitation, l'orgasme et la douleur », déclare le Dr Rachel Rubin, urologue et spécialiste de la médecine sexuelle basée à Washington DC. « Tous peuvent être considérablement affectés par la fluctuation, puis par une diminution massive des hormones sexuelles. » Bien qu'elle ne convienne pas à tout le monde, la THS peut aider à contrer les changements physiques de la vulve et du vagin. Il peut également améliorer le sommeil. « Si je peux faire dormir une femme, je peux améliorer considérablement sa santé sexuelle », dit Rubin.

Ce n'est pas seulement une question de faire sauter une pilule ou d'appliquer une crème et votre libido va s'allumer

L'œstrogène vaginal appliqué localement peut aider à lutter contre la sécheresse ou l'irritation, et peut réduire le risque d'infections urinaires récurrentes (ITU), dit Harper. Il peut également être utilisé par les femmes ayant des antécédents de cancer du sein. Elle suggère également d'appliquer régulièrement un lubrifiant hypoallergénique sans odeur pour aider à hydrater la peau. Cependant, il y a de nombreux facteurs en jeu : "D'abord et avant tout", dit Harper, "je dirais qu'il ne s'agit pas seulement de faire sauter une pilule ou d'appliquer une crème et votre libido va s'allumer".

Monday, April 29, 2024

Ascenseur ou escalier ? Votre choix pourrait augmenter la longévité, selon une étude

À un moment où moins de la moitié des adultes aux États-Unis font la quantité d'exercice recommandée, il y a de nouvelles preuves que monter des escaliers peut réduire le risque de maladie cardiaque et aider les gens à vivre plus longtemps.

Une nouvelle méta-analyse présentée lors d'une conférence de la Société européenne de cardiologie révèle que les personnes ayant l'habitude de monter les escaliers avaient une probabilité de décès par maladie cardiaque inférieure d'environ 39 %, par rapport à celles qui n'ont pas grimpé les escaliers. Ils avaient également un risque plus faible de crises cardiaques et d'accidents vasculaires cérébraux.

"J'ai été surpris qu'une forme aussi simple d'exercice puisse réduire la mortalité toutes causes confondues", déclare l'auteur de l'étude, le Dr. Sophie Paddock, de l'Université d'East Anglia et Norfolk et Norwich University Hospital Foundation Trust au Royaume-Uni.

Elle et ses collègues ont examiné les données d'environ 480 000 participants, âgés du milieu des années 30 au milieu des années 80 - environ la moitié étaient des femmes. Paddock dit que les résultats correspondent à un ensemble de preuves indiquant les avantages de l'exercice d'intensité modérée.

Dès que vous commencez à monter des marches, votre corps répond. "Votre fréquence cardiaque augmente, votre débit cardiaque augmente et votre état circulatoire s'améliore", explique le Dr. Manish Parikh, chef de cardiologie au NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. "Et tous ceux que nous connaissons ont un impact positif", dit-il.

Alors, combien de montée d'escalier suffit-elle ? Une étude a révélé que l'escalade de six à dix vols par jour était liée à une réduction du risque de décès prématuré. Et une autre étude a révélé que l'escalade de plus de cinq vols par jour réduisait le risque de maladie cardiovasculaire de 20 %.

Pour calculer cela, les chercheurs ont analysé le risque de maladie cardiaque des participants sur la base de facteurs tels que la pression artérielle, le cholestérol, les antécédents de tabagisme, les antécédents familiaux et les facteurs de risque génétiques. Les participants ont rempli des questionnaires sur leur mode de vie et leurs habitudes d'exercice, y compris en montant les escaliers. En 12 ans, les grimpeurs d'escalier se sont mieux déboussés contre les maladies cardiaques. Notamment, les personnes qui ont cessé de monter les escaliers pendant cette période ont vu leur risque augmenter. C'est un rappel que pour bénéficier de l'exercice, vous devez continuer à le faire.

Les avantages peuvent entrer en vigueur assez rapidement. Un examen publié plus tôt cette année a révélé qu'un minimum de quatre à huit semaines sont nécessaires pour commencer à améliorer votre risque cardiométabolique. L'étude a révélé qu'une montée régulière des escaliers peut améliorer la composition corporelle, la pression artérielle, la sensibilité à l'insuline et la pression artérielle.

Si vous essayez d'intégrer plus de mouvement dans votre journée, l'ajout d'une montée d'escalier est un bon moyen d'obtenir des rafales rapides d'exercice aérobie, dit le Dr. Carlin Long, cardiologue à l'Université de Californie, San Francisco. "Je pense que si les gens sont capables de réaliser six à dix vols d'exercice dans les escaliers par jour, ce serait une bonne cible", mais cela dépendra de votre niveau personnel de forme physique, dit Long.

"L'exercice est l'une des meilleures approches de la forme cardiovasculaire", dit Long, et l'escalade des escaliers peut être pratique. "Cela ne nécessite pas d'adhésion à la salle de sport", dit-il, et beaucoup de gens peuvent monter les escaliers à la maison ou au travail. Long dit qu'il y a aussi de la valeur à un exercice plus soutenu, comme une balade à vélo plus longue, une marche ou un jogging, ou une séance de tapis roulant, pour répondre aux 30 minutes d'exercice recommandées par jour.

Prendre les escaliers peut également aider à développer les muscles. "L'escalade des escaliers peut être un merveilleux mélange d'exercice aérobie et d'entraînement à la résistance", dit le Dr. Tamara Horwich, cardiologue à l'UCLA qui se concentre sur la santé cardiaque des femmes.

Vous augmentez votre fréquence cardiaque et travaillez vos muscles en même temps. "Vous développez ces muscles des jambes en ayant à tirer votre poids jusqu'à l'escalier suivant", dit-elle. Et c'est un avantage clé étant donné que seulement 24 % des adultes aux États-Unis atteignent les objectifs recommandés pour l'exercice aérobie et l'exercice de renforcement musculaire.

Si vous n'avez pas l'habitude de monter les escaliers, vous devrez peut-être commencer lentement.

Si vous suivez les pas sur leur FitBit ou Apple, ces appareils peuvent également être utilisés pour suivre l'escalade. "Donc, au lieu de simplement regarder les marches, [vous] pouvez également regarder le nombre d'escaliers montés et essayer de l'augmenter", dit-elle. C'est un bon moyen d'évaluer les progrès.

Cette histoire a été éditée par Jane Greenhalgh

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Saturday, November 11, 2023

How to live to 100

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This is Dr. Carl Gilbert bringing you today with another news brief on Health Matters that may concern you if you are 50 and want to live to 100.  A new study published in the Geroscience Journal, the official journal of the American Aging Association, suggests that people who live to 100 have certain biomarker levels in common, including low blood glucose, creatinine, and uric acid.  Due to improved life expectancies globally, older adults, including those over 100, are the fastest-growing age group. In 2015, nearly half a million centenarians were alive, and it is predicted that by 2050, there will be 3.7 million people worldwide who are older than 100. 

 The authors analyzed data from over 44,000 Swedes in the population-based AMORIS (Apolipoprotein MOrtality RISk) cohort. They then measured the participants’ biomarkers between 1985 and 1996 and followed these until 2020. They found that centenarians tend to have lower creatinine, glucose, and uric acid levels. While the differences in biomarker levels between centenarians and others were minor, the differences were established decades before reaching the age of 100.  

 Dr. Mireille Serlie, professor of endocrinology at Yale, noted that lifestyle is associated with renal function, salt intake, hypertension, obesity, hyperglycemia, and cardiac function. Dr. Richard Johnson, a professor of Medicine in the division of Renal Diseases et Hypertension University of Colorado in Denver, also suggested that elevated uric acid and gout should be evaluated for treatment by clinicians who treat patients for diseases such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) given uric acid crystals are now understood to also deposit in vital organs 

 This recent study suggests that creatinine, glucose, and uric acid levels are crucial in determining longevity. This study provides valuable insights into the factors, such as lifestyle, influencing aging and longevity. 

 In simple terms, this study suggests that if we keep our kidney function in good condition, our blood sugar to normal levels, and our uric acid in our system within normal limits, we may be able to live past 100 years old actively.. This is Carl Gilbert signing off. ______ 

 Non-Edited Transcript This is Dr. Carl Gilbert bringing you today with another news brief on health matters that may concern you if you are 50 and want to live to 100. A new study published in the Geroscience Journal, the official journal of the American Aging Association, suggests that people who live to 100 have certain biomarker levels in common, including low blood sugar, creatinine and uric acid. 

Now, we all know that due to improved life expectancies globally, older adults, including those over 100, are the fastest growing age group. In 2015, nearly half a million centenarians were alive. and it is predicted that by 2050 there will be 3.7 million people worldwide who are older than 100. The authors analyzed data from over 44,000 people from Sweden in a population base called Amoris Apolipoprotein Mortality Risk Cohort. They then measured the participants' biomarkers between 1985 and 1996 and followed this until 2020. They found that centenarians tend to have lower creatinine, glucose and uric acid levels. While the differences in biomarkers levels between centenarians and others were minor, The differences were established decades before reaching the age of 100. 

 Dr. Mireille Surly, S-E-R-L-I-E, professor of endocrinology at Yale University, noted that lifestyle is associated with renal function, salt intake, hypertension, obesity, hyperglycemia and cardiac function. Dr. Richard Johnson, on the other hand, a professor of medicine in the Division of Renal Diseases and Hypertension at the University of Colorado in Denver, also suggested that elevated uric acid and gout should be evaluated for treatment by clinicians who treat patients for diseases such as chronic kidney disease, Given uric acid crystals are now understood to also deposit in vital organs. This recent study suggests that creatinine, glucose and uric acid levels are crucial in determining longevity. This study provides valuable insight into the factors such as lifestyle, influencing aging and longevity. 

 In simple terms, this study suggests that if we keep our kidney function in good condition, our blood sugar to normal levels, and our uric acid in our system within normal limits, we may be able to live past 100 years old actively. This is Carl Gilbert, signing off. How to live to 100!


Saturday, November 4, 2023

E13.-Finding your Passion, (Ikigai) #2 + Pumpkins Benefits


E 13 - Finding your Passion, (Ikigai) #2 + Pumpkins Benefits

Hello, everyone. Welcome aboard the Forever 29 train, where we believe in living a vibrant, joyful, peaceful, and eco-friendly life. Age is just a number, and we won't let it limit us. I am Gigi, your host, joined by my co-host, Dr. Gilbert. We are excited to have you back for our thirteenth episode, where we will continue discussing finding our Ikigai, or passion, by sharing feedback from our passengers who are making the most of their journey with us. But before we dive into their stories,  Dr. G wants to shed light on the medicinal properties of pumpkins, which are often plentiful after Halloween festivities. Instead of discarding them, let us, the twenty-niners, remember the value of consuming these nutritious fruits. Not the ones we carve for decoration, of course. Dr. G, could you please expand on the compelling reasons for incorporating pumpkins into our diet?

-Dr G.


 Pumpkins have several medicinal virtues. However, as Gigi mentioned, it's essential to avoid eating carved pumpkins as they are exposed to dirt, insects, and other contaminants. Here are some ways pumpkins can benefit your health:

1. Nutritional Value: Pumpkins are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium. These nutrients support overall health and boost the immune system.

2. Antioxidant Properties: The antioxidants found in pumpkins, such as beta-carotene, help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. This can reduce the risk of chronic diseases and promote healthy aging.

3. Eye Health: Pumpkins are a great source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is important for maintaining good vision.

4. Heart Health: With their high fiber and potassium content, pumpkins can benefit heart health. Fiber helps lower cholesterol levels, while potassium helps regulate blood pressure.

5. Digestive Health: The pumpkin fiber promotes healthy digestion by supporting regular bowel movements and preventing constipation.

6. Skin Health: The nutrients and antioxidants in pumpkins can help improve skin health. Vitamins A and C promote collagen production, keeping the skin firm and youthful.

7. Weight Management: Pumpkins are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a great addition to a weight management diet. The fiber helps you feel full for longer, reducing overall calorie intake. 

I must not forget the seeds that contain tryptophan itself make serotonin, believed by some scientists to play a role in your mood, as the lack of serotonin seems to promote anxiety and depression.

GUEST WHAT: the U.S. Energy Department warned in 2015 that when Halloween pumpkins end up in landfills, they generate greenhouse gas emissions. The agency hopes to turn them into energy and fuel one day soon. That got us wondering: Shouldn’t we eat more pumpkins instead of wasting?

While pumpkins have many potential health benefits, as outlined, it's important to remember that they should not replace medical advice or treatment. If you have specific health concerns, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional.


Thank you, Dr. G. Wow! Great info. Pumpkins are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that can support our well-being. So please don’t send your uncarved pumpkins to a landfill.  Now, it's time to recap our previous episode, where we discussed the Buettner Power Nine and the importance of finding our purpose, connecting with loved ones, belonging to a community, and living a healthy lifestyle. Have you started incorporating these principles into your life yet? If not, stay with us on this journey as we explore the wonders of wellness and sustainability.

In our twelfth episode, we delved into the concept of Ikigai and the Blue Zones, where we discussed the unfortunate reality of violence and hatred in the world and emphasized the need for unity and peace. We also challenged the media to focus on the positive aspects of our society. Our conversation also touched on the possibility of Haiti becoming a Blue Zone country, a suggestion brought up by one of our passengers, Ketty. While this may seem like a far-fetched idea given the current state of the country, with the exemplary leadership and guidance, it is not entirely impossible, right Dr. G? 

Dr. G.

You got that right.


Part 2 Dr. G

And let's listen to another Question from our friend Blaise. Here it goes:

“I appreciate the insights you and Gigi gave us on the Blue Zones. It's incredible how we can create our own Blue Zone to enhance our well-being.

How would the world change if everyone lived past 100 years? (haha)

I can imagine Gigi's grin and her remark: This guy!

You guys are doing well!! Keep up the excellent work!

So, Gigi, do you want to elaborate on this?

Wow, that's very interesting. Gigi, do you want to elaborate on this?

Part 3-Gigi

Sure! Hi Blaise, I'm glad you asked me that. It's a fascinating topic, Due to improved life expectancies globally, older adults, including people older than 100, are the fastest-growing age group. 

In 2015, nearly half a million centenarians were alive, and it is predicted that by 2050, there will be 3.7 million people worldwide who are older than 100.

 Living past 100 years is incredible if we're healthy and happy. We don't depend on pills to stay alive. We don't have dementia or chronic diseases. We chill and have fun without stress.

Living longer has a lot of incredible benefits and opportunities that we should enjoy, like having more time to learn new stuff, explore, travel to different places, hang out with our loved ones, and dance at our grandkid's weddings. And not just dance but show our moves.  Imagine demonstrating your skills on the dance floor at your grandchild's wedding and receiving applause from everyone. That is what living longer can do for you.

You can learn new things, know more, see more, and teach more. Living longer is not just a gift; it's a duty. Absolutely! Living a longer and healthy life has so much potential to improve the world. We can use this extra time to make meaningful connections with people, gain more knowledge, and positively impact our communities. We can also use this time to find innovative solutions to the world's most pressing problems because we will be considered wiser and experienced individuals, not second-class citizens. We could make the world more peaceful, prosperous, and equitable with more time to think, imagine, and create.

Part 8a

However, some disadvantages include overpopulation, running out of resources, and harming the environment. That's why it's not only about living longer but also about living better. We need to figure out how to live in harmony with nature and each other so everyone can have a good life, no matter how old they are. 

To answer your question, if everyone lived the past 100 years, the Earth's resources would be severely depleted. I created this podcast, Forever 29, to spread awareness of a more eco-friendly lifestyle. We can all reduce our carbon footprint and make wise decisions to prevent further damage. Fortunately, I am not alone. Tons of organizations and individuals are making awareness possible.

 We should conserve the environment, safeguard our natural resources, and extend our lifespans. We can learn from the Blue Zones, where people live to be over a hundred and are still active; this is mainly due to their healthy habits and eco-friendly efforts to protect the planet and ensure it remains livable for future generations.

These are just some ways to live a more sustainable, long, and happy life while helping the planet and improving our health. We don’t give up on longevity; let us embrace it instead. It just requires us to be mindful of our actions and to find joy in everyday moments. Living beyond 100 years is entirely possible. Just join our community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for living longer and better. I hope I answered Blaise's question. Dr. G.

Your answer to Blaise's question is excellent. What would happen to the planet if too many people lived past 100 years? I would like to pose the same kind of question to our listeners:

 What are your thoughts on longevity, and what are the implications of human longevity for the planet? 

Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section.


Here is another feedback -This one is from Carlyn: She is taking it seriously. She’s a mother of four and creating her Blue Zone.Here is what she had to say:

“Creating our Blue Zone wherever we live is very encouraging! Thank you for the food for thought! Very informative, Gigi! Thank You for sharing these secrets with us.” 

Gigi, will you answer Carlyn


Thanks, Carlyn! We're happy you enjoyed our Blue Zone episode and learned something new. Your feedback means a lot to us. We agree that creating our own Blue Zone is a great idea, and we're proud of you for taking action. Keep up the excellent work, and stay Forever 29. You rock!

And here's another comment from Mike.

He said he loves our content, and he's impressed by how we can mimic the blue zone habits. Dr. G, what do you have to say to Mike?

-Part 4 Dr. G

Your response to Blaise's question was outstanding. As we discussed, Gigi, there are countless benefits to living a longer life, and that's the belief we hold dear here at Forever 29 Train. We don't just talk about it; we actively pursue it. We refuse to sit idly and let life pass us by on Gigi's Forever 29 train. For those hesitant to embrace longevity due to concerns about illness or burdens, we invite you to join us and discover the joy of defying age. And when it comes to the impact of extended human lifespans on our planet, we encourage you to hop on board and see for yourself. You may change your perspective. Now, let's hear what Carlyn has to say.

Creating our Blue Zone wherever we live is very encouraging! Thank you for the food for thought! Very informative, Gigi! Thank You for sharing these secrets with us.” 

Gigi, will you answer Carlyn

-Part 5 Gigi

Thank you, Carlyn! We are so glad you found the information we shared inspiring and informative. It's always great to hear from our listeners, and we appreciate your support. I'm so happy you enjoyed the Blue Zone episode! It's incredible how we can create our own with simple lifestyle changes. I appreciate your kind words and feedback. Keep listening, and stay healthy!

-Part 6 Dr. G - This one is from Mike.

Great information; we can mimic the blue zone lifestyle.

Thank you for your positive feedback, Mike. It is remarkable how we can establish our Blue Zones by mimicking simple lifestyle modifications. I value your appreciation and comments. Please continue to tune in and stay healthy. As a bonus, I would like to share a quote from one of the experts on the Blue Zones, Dan Buettner. He said, "Eat your vegetables, have a positive outlook, be kind to people, and smile." That sums up the essence of living longer and better. Don't you agree?

Part 7 gg

"Impressive! The Blue Zones have long been known as remarkable places where individuals live longer and healthier lives than the average person. Mike eloquently conveyed that we can adopt their lifestyles, and I couldn't agree more. It is truly astounding how simple habits can lead us towards a sustainable way of living. Thank you, Mike, for sharing your enlightening thoughts. Carlyn, we are thrilled to see you taking the initiative to create your own Blue Zone. Blaise, this will surely change your perspective on life, and living longer is a positive aspect. 

I hope you found Dr. G's pumpkin insights valuable. By not throwing away your non-carved Halloween pumpkins, you not only benefit your health but also minimize waste, save money, and contribute to the planet's well-being. It's a win-win situation!

 And to all our listeners, thank you for tuning in to our show on ikigai and the Blue Zones. We hope you have gained valuable insights from it. Let us take action and be mindful of our impact on this life journey. Together, we can make a positive difference and create a better world for future generations.

Remember to mark your calendar for our upcoming episode on Sunday, November 19, 2023. We'll be sharing valuable insights on how to make more informed shopping decisions. In the fourteenth episode of our series, we'll dive into part eight of our discussion on the environment and focus on reducing packaging waste. From simple everyday practices to more sustainable alternatives, we'll explore practical tips to help minimize the impact of packaging materials on our planet. We must work together to reduce waste and protect our planet.  That is all for now!

 Remember to share our podcast with your loved ones and subscribe to stay updated. You can also find us on your favorite podcast platform and visit our website, Podbean, or Facebook page, Gigi Forever 29 Club. Until next time, hasta la proxima, a la prochaine,  see you soon, and stay young, blessed, and healthy.


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Une étude suggère qu'un taux de cholestérol LDL plus faible est meilleur

Par Dara Lewis Une méta-analyse récente publiée dans JAMA Cardiology suggère qu'il est à la fois sûr et efficace de réduire le LDL en de...