Saturday, June 3, 2023

Lifestyle Matters (Podcast)

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By Ghislaine D. Gilbert

Published on 6/3/2023 (original version: podcast Podbean)

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Forever 29 (E #2)


Music intro - train

I couldn't wait to be with you folks for my second episode of Forever 29. For this episode, we are going to discuss our lifestyle. We all would want to live a long and healthy life. Right? Of course, otherwise, why would you be boarding my Forever 29 train? Correct? Good, now that we have that figured out. How is the ride so far? Are you guys having fun? If not, that's fine.‘Rome was not built in a day. But if you remain a passenger on my train and follow the guidelines, you will be all signing Frank Sinatra songs young at heart at no time.  


Yay!  We have some new passengers on board; let us welcome them. (applause) 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Bienvenue, to our Forever 29 Club, guys.

 We are pleased to have you on board. We on the Forever 29 train aim to inspire people to stay young and believe that age is just a number.  Let me give you a recap of our first episode.

                    In the first episode, we discussed. Why do some of us live a healthy life while others do not? Is it in our genes, environment, lifestyle, or plain luck, or is it a combination?

  Here is what some listeners have to say.

  Let’s listen to a voice message from Michael.

We are blessed to have you on board, Mike. You said staying young is a state of mind. I like that, and I could not agree with you more. And we thank you for taking the time to give your opinion.

We have a written comment from Gloria.  That I am going to have an electronic voice read for you .

Forever 29 is truly inspiring. Thank you, Gigi!!. Genetics and your lifestyle play an important role in living a healthy life. However, your social environment plays such an important role.  My advice to living a healthy life is meditation, yoga, and prayer.

Thank you, Gloria, for taking the time; welcome on board, and I also like what you wrote. Wow, we should have a whole episode on that.

Guys, hold on; we have another voice comment, oh wow just listen,

Wow! Thank you, Josol. You guys just heard from a 10-year-old, our sweet, beautiful, sensitive, and intelligent granddaughter, Joslyn. A hand of applause for her 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

So folks, with the responses and feedback from Joslyn, Gloria, Mike, others, and myself included, We all can agree that luck has nothing to do with it. Nada!                                       Instead, there is a combination of our lifestyle, environment, and genes to some extent, won't you agree? 


So, for this second episode, we will tackle lifestyles first.


Let Us ask ourselves: 

 Does a healthy lifestyle make a difference? 

Yes, healthy habits make a difference. Practicing healthy lifestyle changes can minimize our risk for disease and how we feel and can help us avoid the nursing home altogether and make the trips in and out of the hospital to the minimum. And healthy habits can, without a doubt, prolong lifespans, So come on board on the road to a healthy lifestyle.  

Storytime: I will let Jess read you the letter Steve Jobs wrote while on his sickbed. 

If you recall,  He was Apple's Co-founder, CEO, and Chairman. Steve died of pancreatic cancer; his net worth was about 10,2 billion. And he called the most expensive bed in the world the sickbed.

Jess, you have the floor.

Jess -  Steve Jobs describes the most expensive bed in the world as being ‘the sickbed.’

 From his sickbed, he lamented, 

'You can employ someone to drive the car for you, make money for you, but you cannot have someone to bear the sickness for you.

’ He continues by saying, ‘Material things lost can be found. But there is one thing that can never be found when lost —it is Life.  

He added; When a person enters the operating room, he will realize that there is one book he has yet to finish reading, the “ Book of Healthy Life.” 

That is deep! Steve Jobs gave us some touching advice, such as finishing reading the 'Book of Healthy Life' to avoid the operating room. He also told us that the most expensive bed is the sick bed. Let us take Steve Jobs' advice and read it together. 

Gigi - Deep indeed. What a story! Thank you, Jess. 

People without applying these healthy habits. We are far more likely to die prematurely from cancer or cardiovascular disease. Am I  right?

Alex, can you tell our passengers about the five most healthy habits that will make them eligible to be guilt-free in keeping their seats on our Forever 29 train?  


Alex - Sure, according to researchers, the five most healthy habits are:

1st - Healthy diet 

Eating a diet high in saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol has been linked to heart disease and related conditions, such as Cholesterol plaque buildup in your arteries. For that reason, most nutrition experts recommend limiting saturated fat to under 10% of calories a day. 

2nd - Exercise, 

Physical inactivity is a primary cause of most chronic diseases. Not having enough physical activity weakens your body allowing cancer cells to take over.

3rd - Healthy body weight. (BMI 18.5 and 24.9)

We are not maintaining a healthy body weight! Means a higher risk for many serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

4th - No Smoking 

Smoking is among the leading causes of death - Smoking can cause harm throughout the body, including the heart, brain, and lungs.

5th-  Moderate alcohol intake. 

Moderate alcohol use has possible health benefits, but it's not risk-free. Researchers know little about the risks or benefits of reasonable alcohol use in healthy adults. Don't start because of potential health benefits if you don't drink. However, if you drink light and are healthy, you can probably continue as long as you drink responsibly.

According to researchers, just one healthy practice mentioned above (it did not matter which one), just one extended life expectancy by two years in men and women. Unsurprisingly, the healthier habits people have, the longer their lifespan. Choose your lifestyle; do not let it choose you.  

Gigi  - Thank you, Alex, excellent advice.

Remember, I did mention that I would have some guest speakers. Today, we have on board Dr. Carl Gilbert, my husband, who will comment further on healthy lifestyles in the context of Forever 29. Dr. G, You have the floor 

 Wow: thank you, that was great, Dr. G., as always.

By the way, Dr. G wants me to correct for him that the publication date of the study he discussed here was January 25, 2023, instead of 2003. 

Hum, a very recent study!

 Ok folks, remember the objective of this podcast is to motivate each other to stay young and healthy and make believe that age is just a number.  If you have already made a lifestyle change and want to share it with us, do so

If you have yet to start, it is not too late. We 

Let us Quote, “Steve Jobs again: “When a person enters the operating room, he will realize that there is one book he has yet to finish reading, the “ Book of Healthy Life.” 

So, do not wait to be in the operating room to realize that. Let us continue reading the “Book of Healthy Life” together.

 As Alex said,  please choose your lifestyle; do not let it choose you. And Michael said staying young is a state of mind. If you want to be old, be old; if you want to be young, jump on board.

.Our next episode will be  Saturday, June 17, and we will tackle the environment. So, come on, get on board, and let us find out together the secret of being forever young. We hope you are enjoying the journey.

Please keep sending us your feedback, comments, stories, and ideas in the comment box.

Follow us wherever you listen to your Podcast, Podbean app, Spotify, Apple, Google, Facebook, etc.

Don’t forget to subscribe. 

Until next time, Stay Young, Blessed, and Healthy!  

To conclude the episode today, I am leaving you with this motivating song, Grateful from Neffex.


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